Hi, I’m Erica Tachoir.
I’m a screenwriter, filmmaker, and actor living in Brooklyn.
(It’s pronounced “Tash-wah.”)
I create projects that are usually some combination of funny and sad. (Along with the the occasional historical drama.) I’m a two-time Academy Nicholl semifinalist for my screenplay Scattering Jake. I was named to Tracking Board’s 2018 Young and Hungry List and ISA’s Top 25 Screenwriters to Watch in 2019. I was selected to the NYWIFT-sponsored From Script to Preproduction lab. You can learn more about my writing projects here.
I’ve made short films that have played in festivals across the country, including my film Too Sunny for Santa, which stars Natalia Dyer from Stranger Things. You can watch them here, along with funny videos (like a web series about ghosts called Life, After) that I created with my comedy partner Corinne Caputo.
As an actor, I’ve appeared in many short films, Law and Order: SVU, and a variety of national commercials where I've played such roles as "a hipster urban farmer" and "the best wife ever." You can watch some of that stuff here as well.
I studied filmmaking at NYU/Tisch (with a summer in Prague at FAMU), acting at Atlantic Acting School, and improv comedy at UCB. I credit podcasts for everything else I know.
I also teach Bar Method workout classes, and I’m a mom to a very cute toddler. You can find us at the playground almost every afternoon.